Protest Tips For Kids
I have seen a lot of people talking about how they want to get out and support the protests but they don't know how to because they have kids. I have brought both of my kids to several protests now, so I though I'd offer some tips that have helped me! 1. Go early in the day - if you are nervous about the police using excessive force against peaceful protestors, it's best to go to the early protests. For the most part, it seems like the police only like to get out of hand under the cover of darkness. 2. Babywear - babywearing is SO much easier than trying to push a stroller through a rally or march and it's also safer. These protests have a lot of people at them and not everyone is looking around making sure they don't step on little kids or bump into strollers. Depending on the event I sometimes bring a stroller for my 3 year old to sit in, but I always wear my 1 year old if were marching. Some of the smaller non-marching protests have been fine for him ...