Let's Talk About Sleep, Baby
Did you know that people are obsessed with babies sleeping through the night? I'm not joking; OBSESSED. There are people that make money "sleep training" babies, and if you visit any mom group on facebook or in person sleep is always one of the main topics of conversation.
Where are the pamphlets about realistic sleep during the 1st year? Where are the classes on safe cosleeping and bedsharing so that mommas can get some sleep when the baby does? Why is America one of the only countries where these things aren't the norm and instead parents are pressured to be detached from their baby? Dr's are encouraging night weening and sleep training from a scarily young age and discouraging parents from nursing to sleep and forming "bad habits."
Every baby is different and yes, some babies sleep through the night from a young age! So worry not, there is hope! But on the flip side, some don't sleep through the night until they're 5. Both are variations of normal and neither parent of either baby should feel bad about their child's sleep habits. Your baby not sleeping through the night or needing to sleep with you is not a bad thing and you are doing nothing wrong. I love being able to go to my mom group in person and assure parents that while it may not get better for a while, it is normal. Babies are without a doubt, the most exhausting little things ever, and I'm really glad I went into parenthood with the notion that I wouldn't be sleeping again for a while. I really think my attitude in regards to never sleeping is what helps me continue to stay sane - that and powdered donuts.
Your baby sleeps best in your arms? Hold your baby.
Your baby is fussy? Wear your baby.
Your baby always wants to be held? Your baby just came out of the warmest, safest, calmest place in the world, of course he wants to be held. Hold your baby, smell his head, and rest easy knowing that this is a season, and like all seasons, it will be over all too soon.
Keep on keepin' on, Mommas.
Check out this article on sleep.
As a society, we put so much pressure on teeny tiny little babies to do things before they are ready. This obsession is perpetuated by Dr's, nurses, sleep experts, and Aunt Sally from down the block. I can't even count how many times I've been asked "Is Kenneth sleeping through the night yet?" If I didn't have such strong convictions about STTN I definitely would have started to think I was doing something wrong at this point. Kenneth is 9.5 months old and has never once slept through the night. Some nights she wakes 4 times, some nights its 15. I haven't gotten a full nights sleep in well over a year, but Kenneth does not care. And you know what? I am okay with that. Sleeping through the night is a developmental milestone, and she will get there when she is ready; hopefully before she's 10. *fingers crossed* Every week I see new posts from frantic first time moms wondering what she's doing wrong that she can't put her baby down to sleep or wondering why her 8 week old isn't sleeping through the night like the Dr said he should be.
Every baby is different and yes, some babies sleep through the night from a young age! So worry not, there is hope! But on the flip side, some don't sleep through the night until they're 5. Both are variations of normal and neither parent of either baby should feel bad about their child's sleep habits. Your baby not sleeping through the night or needing to sleep with you is not a bad thing and you are doing nothing wrong. I love being able to go to my mom group in person and assure parents that while it may not get better for a while, it is normal. Babies are without a doubt, the most exhausting little things ever, and I'm really glad I went into parenthood with the notion that I wouldn't be sleeping again for a while. I really think my attitude in regards to never sleeping is what helps me continue to stay sane - that and powdered donuts.
Your baby sleeps best in your arms? Hold your baby.
Your baby is fussy? Wear your baby.
Your baby always wants to be held? Your baby just came out of the warmest, safest, calmest place in the world, of course he wants to be held. Hold your baby, smell his head, and rest easy knowing that this is a season, and like all seasons, it will be over all too soon.
Keep on keepin' on, Mommas.
Check out this article on sleep.
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