He Sees You When You're Sleeping
You better watch out
You better not cry
You better now pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
Let's just talk for a moment (or two) about how freaking creepy Santa is. We teach our kids that's it's not okay to talk to strangers; but if it's a stranger with a red suit and white beard then it's totally okay and they can even sit on the strange man's lap?! We even go so far as to MAKE them sit on his lap so that we can have a wonderful keepsake photo of our terrified and screaming children. Seems really cool! The whole thing is weird to me and I grew up believing in Santa. I also HATE the idea of a naughty and nice list. First off the word 'naughty' makes me cringe every time I hear it...but that's neither here nor there. Back to the list. What does it take to get put on the [not nice] side of the list? Why does Sally have one set of rules, but Jack down the street has another? Does Santa bring the nice kids better presents and that's why some kids get a $200 toy while others get a pair of socks and a pencil? And then let's also throw in there that Santa is watching us ALL THE TIME. Sounds like Mr. Santy Claus is in need of a restraining order ASAP; am I right? (not that one would be granted due to the overwhelming lack of evidence) Do not even get me started on the creepy little Elf on a Shelf characters that everybody is obsessed with lately. I could write a whole different post on just those little creeps.
No. Just no to all of it.
I love everything about Christmas, but Santa will not be stopping at our house. The magic of Christmas comes from our hearts and I'd like to start traditions that include volunteering, being a "secret santa," enjoying the beauty of Candy Cane Lane, and spending time with those we love. We will exchange gifts as a family, but I want Kenneth to grow up knowing that there is so much more to it than material things. I also just don't want her to think there's a strange man that spies on her then breaks into the house; because that sounds like an episode of SVU.
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