My Wish...

Dear Kenneth,

You are 4 months old today and I can't even believe it.  Time has flown by so quickly and I feel like I'm constantly trying to slow it down.  You got your second round of shots today, and while you were quite angry, I didn't cry this time.  I scooped you up, snuggled you and wiped away your tears, and I managed to hold myself together.  It's 7:45pm right now and you just woke up from a 3 hour nap.  A nap I might regret letting you take later, but I don't care. I don't care because that was 3 hours that you spent laying on me and being perfectly content.  I know you are just our little Itty Bitty right now, but my mind can't help but wander to the future.  My wish for you is to always feel that way in my arms.  I want you to know that you always have a safe place to come.  Whether it's been a good day or bad, whether you're happy or sad, whether you're in trouble or not, my arms will forever be your safe haven.

I want to be able to tell you that the world is a beautiful magical place, but I can't lie to you about that.  There are a lot of scary things going on right now and I wish I could keep you shielded from it all.  Instead what I am going to do is raise you to be a strong-willed, intelligent and confident woman so that you can navigate the scary world we're in.  I'm going to teach you to be kind, to help others, to use your privilege for good, to speak out against injustices, to always speak the truth, and to follow your dreams.  I hope I can be your example for all of these things, but when I fall short, know that you have so many strong women in your life to look up to.  Your Nana will never say no to helping anyone, your Grandma volunteers so much of her time to help people that can't always help themselves, your Auntie Avery is an amazing teacher, and the list could go on forever. (You also have a lot of incredible men in your life, but this letter isn't about them. They'll have their own!)  They will teach you things I won't be able to, and they'll be able to tell you things you won't want to hear from me; and you know what? That is okay.  Just know that you are loved beyond measure by more people than you can count.

I love you forever
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be



  1. Absolutely precious and beautiful just like the author and the treasure it is written for. Thank you for sharing your journey.


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